Art Space
Artist Retreat
Community Center
Exhibition Design
Mixed Use
Model Furniture
Performance Space
Exhibition Design No. 10, Building with Writing
Public Spaces NY
Market No. 1
Consultation No.4, Benches
Consultation No.3, Kunsthaus Baselland
A Collection of Details No.1
Greenhouse No.4-5
Assembly: Matter, Lineament, and Aggregated Systems in Architectural Production
Art Space No. 5, Ruth Arts
Nightclub No.1
Memorial No. 3, The Fallen Journalist
Exhibition Design No. 9, Fabric Object
Software No. 16, DROP
Housing No. 17, Missing Middle
Rug No. 1–5, Twice Woven
Greenhouse No. 3
Greenhouse No. 2
Greenhouse No. 1
Housing No. 16, With 38 Towers
A Book on Making a Petite École
Rooftop No. 1, An Instrument of Measure
Art Space No. 4, Used To Be A Church
Mixed Use No. 5, Around Another Building
Winery No. 1, In a Valley
House No. 22, With Sunken Courtyard
House No. 21, With Large Eave
Casa No. 1–17
Exhibition Design No. 8, (662) MOS ARCH
Vacant Spaces NY
House No. 20, With A Curve
House No. 19, On A Slope
House No. 18, Along a Ridge
Mixed Use No. 4, With 2 Spiral Stairs
Apartment No. 3, With Large Skylight
Artist Retreat No. 2
Object No. 15, With 1 Part
Studio No. 4, With Flat Roof
An Unfinished Encyclopedia of Scale Figures without Architecture
Uniform No. 1
Object No. 14, Of 1 Part
Community Center No. 6, Floraliënhal
“Quick Tiny Show No. 5”
Housing No. 15, Co-living Rowhouse Prototype
Baskets No. 1–3, (S, M, L)
Houses for Sale
House No. 17, With 10 Trees
Model Furniture No. 7, Cut and Paste Table
Pavilion No. 10, A Glass Spot
Hut No. 1, A Tent without a Signal
House No. 16, With Extended Roof
House No. 15, With 2 Chimneys
Laboratorio de Vivienda
House No. 14, A Room, Chimney, Cistern, and Roof
Housing No. 14, Athletic Track No. 1
“Readymades Belong to Everyone”
Exhibition Design No. 7, A Table To Put Things On
A Book of 44 Low Resolution Houses
Exhibition Design No. 6, 44 Low-resolution Houses
House No. 13, Parts Collected
Model Furniture No. 6, Ladder
Artist Retreat No. 1, Within a Field of Agave
House No. 12, With 98 Foam Blocks And 8 Doors
Housing No. 13, At the University of Arkansas
Model Furniture No. 5, Table
School No. 3, A Petite École
Object No. 12, Peg Chair
Object No. 11, Peg Bench
Exhibition Design No. 5, Storefront with 4 Windows
Housing No. 12, On a Slope
Housing No. 11, SEMAPA
Housing No. 10, With 2 Courtyards
Housing No. 8, Laboratorio de Vivienda
Pavilion No. 9, Arper
Housing No. 7, Territorio de Gigantes
Housing No. 6, Saltillo
Software No. 15, SAND 2
Art Space No. 3, With a Mezzanine
Art Space No. 2, The Kitchen
Tower No. 1, & Another (Chicago Tribune Tower)
Reject No. 1–15
House No. 8, Image No. 1, with Layers and Masks
“Screenshots, Photographs, Videos, Totes, Rocks, Stools, Candles, Soap, Vases, Blocks, Quilts”
A Situation Constructed from Loose and Overlapping Social and Architectural Aggregates
Studio No. 3, With Large Roof
And Benches, Platforms, Partitions, Shelving, Activity…
Rock No. 1–12
Rubenstein Commons: The Usefulness of Useless Space
School No. 2, IAS
Consultation No. 2, Kunsthaus Bregenz
Installation No. 15, And Benches, Platforms, Partitions, Shelving, Activity Books, Uniforms, …
Installation No. 14, Selfie Curtain
Model Furniture No. 4, Shelving
Model Furniture No. 3, Stool
Housing No. 5, Rosseau Lake College
Model Furniture No. 2, Chair
Model Furniture No. 1, Cabinet
Exhibition Design No. 4, The Other Architect
Housing No. 4, A Situation Constructed from Loose and Overlapping Social and Architectural Aggregates
Software No. 14, DRIFT 2
MOS: Selected Works
Maintenance Architecture
Consultation No. 1, MET Roof Garden
The Indifferent Courier
House No. 11, Corridor House
Life as We Know It
“Screenshots, Videos, Photographs, Mugs, …”
A hole No. thing
House No. 10, With Courtyard
Exhibition Design No. 3, The Other Architect
Object No. 10, Four-legged Stool
Mixed Use No. 3, Housing and Art Foundation
Installation No. 13, Souvenir Pile
Community Center No. 5, Hawai’i Presidential Center
Housing No. 3, The New Radiant Plant Charter Park Gardens
Housing No. 2, Towards the End of the Line
Reproduction No. 9, Almost Positivist Cutting Board
Reproduction No. 8, Informal Plank Bench
Reproduction No. 7, Coat Hook Thingy
Reproduction No. 6, Average Soap Dish
Reproduction No. 5, Utilitarian Stool With No Design Whatsoever
Reproduction No. 4, Soap No. 24
Reproduction No. 3, Possibly a Vase
Reproduction No. 2, A Stool, Bench, Or End Table
Reproduction No. 1, Scented Candle
Apartment No. 2, With Walls For Storage
House No. 9, With 6 Rooms
Store No. 2, Chamber
House No. 8, With 4 Towers
Store No. 1, With 21 Windows and 3 Doors
Software No. 13, FACADE
Object No. 9, Picnic Table
House No. 7, With 2 Perpendicular Volumes
Everything All at Once: The Software, Videos, and Architecture of MOS
Pavilion No. 8, Night Club
Pavilion No. 7, Droop
Software No. 12, DROOP
Already Happened Tomorrow
Housing No. 1, MoMA Foreclosed
House No. 6, SOLO
Krabbesholm Højskole
School No. 1, With 4 Rooms
Software No. 11, JAM
Software No. 10, BALL
Installation No. 12, Temporary Cinema
Not Negative
Installation No. 11, Instant Untitled
Community Center No. 4, Lali Gurans Orphanage
Software No. 9, CRUMPLE
Software No. 8, GRID
Software No. 7, NET
Software No. 6, DRIFT
Object No. 8, Table
Object No. 7, Step Stool
Element House
Romance of Systems
Nowhere to Go
House No. 5, With 9 Chimneys
Martell Lecture: Beginnings
Installation No. 10, Without Out
Installation No. 9, Rainbow Vomit
Software No. 5, EROSION
Software No. 4, SAND
Pavilion No. 6, Uganda Community Structure
Pavilion No. 5, Shenzhen Pavilion
Installation No. 8, Pile
Object No. 6, Table of One Part
Installation No. 7, On the Verge of Collapse
Escape (Correspondence)
Pavilion No. 4, MoMA PS1, Afterparty
Object No. 5, Lily
Art Space No. 1, Artist Chapel
House No. 4, House Renovation
Transformation of a Necklace Dome (aka Alive, son of Awake)
Installation No. 6, Desert Island No. 2
Installation No. 4, Transformation of a Necklace Dome
The Zombies Are Late
Software No. 3, STACK
Software No. 2, CAT
X and Y
House No. 3, Lot No. 6
Community Center No. 2, Inflatable Factory
Pavilion No. 3, MoMA PS1 YAP, A Perpetual Breeze
Fighting Against Institutionalized Formalism Through Ephemerality
Performance Space No. 1, BMDI
Exhibition Design No. 2, Design Life Now
Exhibition Design No. 1, Beyond the Harvard Box
Studio No. 2, Artist’s Studio
Studio No. 1, Art Historian’s Studio and Library
Installation No. 3, Softcell
Object No. 4, Garden Shed
Object No. 3, Ivy Coat Hooks
Software No. 1, FORTRESS
Notes for Those Beginning the Discipline of Architecture
Pavilion No. 2, Puppet Theater
Pavilion No. 1, MoMA PS1 YAP, A Net
Object No. 2, Mats
House No. 2, Floating
House No. 1, On A Hill
Object No. 1, K. Ioganson Coat Rack
Things Other Than Buildings, 2G
Architects And Architecture And, Perspecta 54
Borasi, G
Never Alone
Allen, S
Things the Mind Already Knows
Olshavsky, P
Michael’s Mouth
Meredith, M
Looking Together, Harvard Design Magazine 48
Allen, S
The City and the House
The Quote Un-Quote
A Conversation About Models, Log 50
MMM: Multiple Resolutions, Log 46
Hartig, D
A Bored Book
Meredith, M
Complexity and Contradiction at Fifty
Borasi, G
A Large Urban Garden Where You Can Learn About Architecture
Meredith, M
Dumb Architecture
Denny, P
What’s a Ziggurat to You
Meredith, M
44 Low-Resolution Houses, Log 44
Meredith, M
2,497 Words: Provincialism, Critical or Otherwise, Log 41
Meredith, M
Young Architects 17, Authenticity
Meredith, M
Indifference, Again, Log 39
Outside the Lines, Lineament
Choi, E
MOS Architects, PIN UP 21
Hyde, T
Low Fidelity, El Croquis No. 184
Cero 9 and MOS
Office Policy, Selected Works, Princeton Architectural Press
Allen, M
Screenshot Aesthetic
McMorrough, J
MOS Practices… What the !@#?
Allais, L
On MOS Making Holes
Meredith, M
#Buildings #Referents #BodyofWork (a response in 1416 words and 9786 characters), The Building
Ramirez, E
You Are Not Reading A History of The D/G/O (A Configurable Essay Related to MOS Installation No.15)
Meredith, M
Collection, Under the Influence
Meredith, M
How We Might Have Ended Up in This Situation
Conrad Therrien, T
MOS Defiantly, A Situation Constructed
Self, J
Urban Relativity, A Situation Constructed
Miljački, A
We Have a Situation
Meredith, M
Toward the Body of Work, Log 35
Meredith, M
After “After Geometry,” Architectural Design 83, Issue 2
Ednie-Brown, P
Strange Vitality, The Transversal Architectures of MOS and New Territories/R&SIE(N)
Meredith, M
Whatever Happened to “Whatever Happened to Total Design?”?
Sample, H
P.M.S.A. (Post-Medium-Specific-Architecture)
Lavin, S
Architecture Beside Itself, Everything All At Once
Sample, H
McMorrough, J
MOS Movies, or The Phantasmagoria Of Discipline
Meredith, M
Unfinished Project
Sample, H
Glass Acts, Log 22
Meredith, M
For the Absurd, Log 22
Sample, H
Obituaries, The New City Reader
11 Architects, 12 Conversations, Praxis
Meredith, M
Misreading Misreading, Log 18
Meredith, M
On Growth and Decay (Thoughts on a Generation After Architecture)
Miljački, A
Promiscuity as a Project? – “MOS definitely”
Hyde, T
Vaguely Familiar
Boym, S
An Interview With Michael Meredith & Tobias Putrih
Boym, S
Without Out_ Ruinophilia and Iconoclasm
Tejchman, F
Weird is Good
Meredith, M
Never enough (transform, repeat ad nausea)
Meredith, M
Radical Inclusion, Perspecta 41, Yale
Meredith, M
Complex, Praxis 7
Sample, H
Maintenance Architecture, Praxis 6
Meredith, M
(Notes for those beginning the discipline of architecture)